Sarah Meredith

Medical Intuitive Healer

Alternative Health Care

Jessica Meredith

Medical Intuitive Healer

Alternative Health Care


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9:00AM TO 4:00PM EST


Quimby’s Method

Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby

The Father of Mental Healing

In the mid-1800’s well over 38,000 were healed of their various diseases and aliments by Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802-1866). He used no medicine. He claimed to heal as Jesus did.

I set out to find out. . .first, if that were true. And, if it were true, how did he do it? And, if he had done it, did he leave a way so others could learn to do the same?

I did find out! It is a fact. Quimby healed thousands without medicine, therapy or equipment.

Hundreds of newspaper articles and letters that praised Quimby’s healing method were donated to The Library of Congress. In time I gathered an extensive library on him. Included were photocopies of papers in his hand, personal letters, manuscripts and patient files with testimonials.

He left an extensive number of detailed, handwritten papers explain- ing exactly how he healed. Once I understood the simplicity behind his heal- ing, I was able to heal just as he did. Quimby’s Method takes place within hours...not months or years.

In 1858, at the age of 57 Quimby opened an office in Portland, Maine. He proved himself by successfully treating and healing approximately 38,000 patients. Patient’s who were healed report that he only talked to them. Most often his patients couldn’t tell how they were cured because to them they “just talked”. This doesn’t mean that Quimby himself was ignorant of what he did.

What did Dr. Quimby actually do?

He always started by merely sitting and chatting. He and the patient would talk about their life and eventually their problems. He’d ask them the specifics about what was going on just before their trouble(s) started. He explained that in his experience, the initial cause of a problem came from a single opinion. He told them that an opinion was not a fact, that was just somebody’s belief and how, in his experience, believing something untrue was the cause or started of their illness. . . that the truth was the cure. Then he’d help them locate the opinion.

He wrote that his ability to heal contained four basic steps:
  1. His own experience, knowledge and good judgment,
  2. Understanding the patient’s state,
  3. He had developed the ability to find the opinion, the opinion, the lie that led to their problem, and
  4. He knew how to guide them back to the truth. Because the truth is the cure!

Sometimes it would take multiple conversations to get a patient to change their mind. At others, it took only one chat. Once the patient changed their mind, a cure took place.

I fully restored Quimby’s Method in 1976.

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38,000+ Cured with Incurable Diseases

Hundred’s of newspaper articles and letters praise Dr. Quimby’s method of treatment. Below are a few donated to The Library of Congress.

Bangor Jeffersonian Times - February 1858 - Mrs. Hodson of Kenduskeag was sick with dyspepsia [disturbed digestion] in its worst form. For two years she was utterly prostrated, unable to walk a single step or be in an upright position without fainting.

Dr. Quimby sat with her. In two hours she rose from her bed without assistance and seated herself in a chair. She was able to sit up for two hours without fainting. She steadily improved and in time gained a much needed twenty pounds of weight. All this came as the result of a single visit from Dr. Quimby.

We have heard of other cases of remarkable relief. It is too late an hour for the cry of humbug in Dr. Quimby’s treatment of disease. People are beginning to inquire, who is Dr. Quimby? By what strange agency does he cure disease which for years has baffled the skill of our most eminent physicians?

Evening Courier - September 1860 - We have been told that the age of miracles has passed. But we have recently heard of several astonishing cures preformed by a Dr. P. P. Quimby which seem miraculous.

How are these cures effected? It is impossible to say. There is no visible means employed. The most obstinate cases of disease disappear. It would seem they disappear by the mere will of Dr. Quimby.

Having heard of one such remarkable recovery, we called on the patient. She stated her circumstances and the manner of her cure. At our request, she sent us the following letter with the facts surrounding her recovery.

Dear Sirs,

I had been sick five years, with a great deal of pain in my back and limbs. It appeared to be caused by blue pills taken two years before. I was unable to walk, or even stand. For months I was prostrate upon my bed, confined to a dark room from neuralgia of my optic nerve.

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That plus painful dyspepsia made me sufferer even more. The doctors said that the blue pills had given me a disease of the spine.

After two years in the care of my uncle and brother (both doctors) they decided medicine would not cure me. They took me to see a Water Cure physician in Hill, New Hampshire. That doctor concludedthat there was no help for me; concluding that the spinal marrow was diseased.

Learning of Dr. Quimby’s success curing incurable diseases, we set out to see him. We arrived at the United States Hotel in Portland,

Maine on the morning of August 15th. Seated in my wheel chair my uncle and brother carried me up the hotel stairs to my room.

Fifteen minutes after I saw Dr. Quimby, I was walking. I went down stairs without as- sistance for dinner. Again without assistance, I climbed the stairs to my room. That evening, I took a long walk of about forty steps with assistance. I was wild with delight. I was like one risen from the dead.

The next day I walked down the street for a mile. On the sixth day after seeing Dr. Quimby I walked four and a half miles. In less than two weeks I walked eight miles, four mile to Portland from Falmouth and back again.

My disease is entirely gone, my back is perfectly well. I have no fears of a relapse.

Yours with much esteem,
F. C. B.
Williamstown, Vermont.

To this testimony we add that of Mr. Julius Dresser, who was restored to health by Dr. Quimby three months before. Since that time he has devoted himself to conversing with patients who were able to see Dr. Quimby and be cured.

Mr. Dresser saw Miss B. in her invalid condition, then walked and talked with her during some of her walks mentioned above. He learned the facts of her situation first hand and saws that she was restored to health.

Now, if this were a solitary case we might ascribe the cure to the imagination, as it is well know that imagination has worked wonders in this way. But this is but one of a number of equally remarkable cases which have occurred here. Many witnesses stand ready to bear testimony to the facts.

One lady severely afflicted with rheumatism was bent nearly double. A perfect cripple, unable to use her hands or feet. In a short time she was restored to health.

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She is a living, working evidence of the Doctor’s skill.

A gentlemen, a friend of ours, had for years been afflicted with severe hip pain. For a long time he’d been confined to his bed. His physicians had given up. They told is wife that he would only live a few more days. His wife proposed calling in Dr. Quimby. He objected strenuously. He was bitterly opposed to anything like ‘humbuggery’. He considered Quimby “one of the biggest humbugs”. But, his wife insisted on calling in Dr. Quimby.

Dr. Quimby visited him and yesterday we met the patient on the street. He was walking home to dinner. He looked heartier than we have seen him for a long time. He considers himself entirely cured of the hip pain.

When we mentioned that people considered these cures humbugs. “So did I. But here I am. If humbug can work such wonders, Glory Be to humbug, say I.” And so say we!

We might cite a dozen other cases, but we refrain. We have no other motive in mentioning these rare cures than to make our readers aware of this remarkable phenomena. We have but a slight acquaintance

with Dr. Quimby and have no interest in publicizing his astonishing cures to the world in order to make him famous.

We have mentioned the cures as a matter of curious speculation. We must confess there is something about them more than our philosophy ever dreamed.

Free Press
- Lebanon, New Hampshire 1856 -

Just at present time there is a good deal to say about Dr. Quimby of Portland, ME. We would considered it amiss to not mention the case of a young lady of this town who has greatly benefited by him.

For nearly three years she had been an invalid-- a great part of that time she was confined to bed. She was unable to leave her room unless she was carried out.

She heard of Dr. Quimby and resolved to visit him in Maine. She did so. After remaining under his care for four days she returned home free from all pain and disease. She is now rapidly regaining her health and strength.

The reputation of Dr. Quimby as a man who cures diseases has extended. The increasing respect and

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confidence in his success would suggest that it’s a time of miracles.

He effects his cures without the aid of medicine or outward applications. His practice embraces cases like above, where all ordinary treatment has failed to relieve.

It is impossible in a brief communication to do anything like justice to Dr. Quimby. Enough has been said and done to separate him from quacks and imposters.

The case cited above is not a solitary instance of his skill in practicing his method. His increasing popularity with all classes shows that the confidence of the public has not been misplaced.

Having heard that Quimby had restored a woman who had been speechless. The patient being a daughter of Capt. Blodgett of Brooksville.

She had been suddenly deprived of her speech two years before. No cause for her inability to talk was known. She had not been sick, nor had any trouble of mind or body known to have produced the speechlessness.

One evening her speech was observed to be slightly impaired. She retired as usual and on waking in the morning she was utterly speechless. From then she had not uttered an audible word. One physician attributed the cause to a sort of paralysis of the vocal organs. The best medical aid had been sought to no avail. Thanks to Dr. Quimby, she is now in full possession of her voice.

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Quimby’s Method


For over twenty years I helped the public recover with ease. However, in 1997 it became apparent to me that my healing methods were not all encompassing. Physically I had spiraled down. I couldn’t figure out what was causing my weakness and pain. It was very painful to be touched. My muscles were stiff and my joints constantly. Plus, I was both confused and tired.

Within weeks I was bedridden. I finally gave in and went to a medical doctor. He diagnosed Fibromyalgia - a disease which medicine describes as having no cure.

A few days after studying all I could find on Fibromyalgia, it occurred to me that a cure was not going to be found in allopathic medicine or alternative medicine. Why? Because both medicine and alternative medicine researchers had been working to find a cure for over 90 years...and failed. I decided not to believe the doctors that there was no cure.

I reasoned that after 90 years of research, they were not going to find it and that their researchers must be looking in the wrong place. Also, I decided that there was a cure because I wasn’t born with Fibromyalgia... that something must have changed. I reasoned that If I could find out what I’d changed, there just might be a way to reverse it.

I decide to do my own research. The only place I knew to look that was beyond medicine and alternative research was the mind. This thinking eventually led to an investigation of Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802-1866) and his miracle cures.

Within a few days of making the decision that I’d find the cure, there was a knock on my door. I opened it to find Mark and Mary on my porch with an invitation to their church. That particular day my symptoms were running rampant. I was exhausted and in pain.

I asked them to feel free come back another day when I was better. I explained that I had Fibromyalgia and the symptoms had made me too tired to visit.

As they turned to leave I over-heard Mark remark to Mary, “It’s too bad she can’t see Dr. Quimby. He’d probably have had a cure for Fibromyalgia.”

Mark’s remark stayed with me. I decided I was going to go to the doctor Mark mentioned. No matter how much money it took or how far I’d have to travel, I’d do it. I was so sick of being sick and tired.

A week later Mark came to see if there was anything the church could do for me. I invited him in. Once seated, I xplained what I’d over-heard him say about a doctor who cured incurable diseases.

Imagine the blow I took when he told me that the doctor he was referring to had been dead for over 100 years. He added that he learned about him from a newspaper article. He told me that Dr. Quimby had healed over 38,000 of their diseases and that some of those diseases were incurable.

The second blow came when he told me that Quimby left nothing behind on how he did healed and that his patients couldn’t tell how he’d cured them.

The following day Mark stopped back by with a gift... the Quimby Manuscripts a 1921 out-of-print book. He’d purchased it at a garage sale but never read it . . . that he just wasn’t interested in it. Each time he moved, he took the book with him. He said that he still couldn’t figure out why he bought it in the first place, unless it was for me.

After he left, I flipped through the 440 pages and found a Quimby Quote. “The cause of all disease, all discomfort is an opinion the patient believes.” Elsewhere in the book I found that “an opinion is someone’s belief but it’s not based on facts, that it’s most likely something someone made up.” And, “If something is going wrong in your life it’s due to an opinion. The truth is the cure”. Although at the time I didn’t fully understand what he meant, I wrote those phrases down.

I believed Mark, that Dr. Quimby didn’t leave us step-by-step how he healed. He was wrong. However believing Mark, I diligently studied the book for months looking for clues on what Quimby did. Each time I came across a point that I though might be one of the steps he used I wrote it down.

I learned that Quimby started each new patient visit merely sitting and talking. (He referred to his consultations as visits.) He’d explain what he felt was the cause of physical aliments... that symptoms were due to unknowingly believing an opinion as if it were true, as it it were a fact.

he’d ask them to remember when they felt their first symptom and to recall what was happening in their life at that time. Usually something was going on that they felt that they had no control over and he was able locate the opinion that started their symptoms.

The patient, persuaded that the opinion was somehow a lie, they usually on their own would change their mind. And, a cure took place. this is howI learned that a simple change of mind could eliminate symptoms and deadly diseases.

How a Simple Conversation Can Cure

Suppose a man saw on the news of an airliner crashing on take-off and leaving no survivors. The man knew that his son was on that flight. He assumes his son is dead. Shock from the news would cause grief, a deep feeling of sorrow and chest pain. Not only has he mental anguish, he has physical chest pain as well.

In that moment, does he imagine his suffering? His chest pain? Is it real? Of course, it’s real. Is his body affected? Yes, it is. Does he have actual physical symptoms of a sick person? Yes, he does.

Now suppose you were sent to see the father and told him that you were with his son when the plane crashed . . . that you both missed the flight due to traffic.

“Proof” that his son’s death was an in error in his thinking, that he’s alive and well long after the crash . . . what follows? Why, his father undergoes an immediate mental change, as does his body. He is no longer sick, no longer in pain.

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After months of study working to figure out how Quimby healed, I had what I thought was his step-by-step procedure. I tried it on friends and family . . . and failed sixteen times.

Each time I tried I did think that I had Quimby’s Method down pat. And, each time I failed, I did not give up. I went back to studying Quimby books and manuscripts, then modified my steps.

On My Seventeenth Healing Attempt, I Did It!

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My First Successful
Healing with Quimby’s Method


My seventeenth healing attempt was on Tony, a disabled construction worker and a friend of a friend. Tony learned what I was attempting and called to see if he could be one of my ‘guinea pigs’. (His words not mine.) I had yet to learn that I could do Quimby’s Method over the phone. We met at his mother’s as her house was between ours.

Five years earlier, within a few days of each other, he was in two serious car accidents. As a result he had ruptured three low back discs. Since the accidents he’d been in horrendous pain which robbed him of his youth and ability to support his family.

The day of our appointment I stood on his mother’s porch and watched him approach. In his early thirties, he looked to be a feeble 80 years old man. His posture was stooped. He used extreme care with each step. Carefully he gently put his foot down before he lifted the other foot for

At the bottom of the porch steps, he held on to the banister and looked up to tell me that it would take a while...that he had to be sure not to jar his spine as he put his foot down. He used the banister and slowly began to pull himself up from one step to the next. I felt like it took fifteen minutes for him to climb the five porch steps.

Once inside, it seemed another ten minutes before we reached the den. I closed the door. After some small talk, I ask him to remember what was going on in his life before his first accident.

It’s been so many years now that I don’t remember the exact opinion that caused the injuries to his back. I only remember that it had something to do with a horse or horses.

Three hours later, bouncing with exuberance Tony walked out and stunned his mom. Even though told what to expect if it worked, she didn’t believe he could be healed.

Pulsating with excitement he gathered his tiny, speechless mom up into his arms, “Mom the pain’s gone!” Laughing as he whirled her around. he repeated over and over “I’m cured! I’m really cured!”

“He not only looks his age, he’s glowing!”
wept his mother.

What caused Tony’s pain? According to his doctors and x-rays, he had three ruptured discs. According to Quimby’s Method, he believed a series of opinions about not being able to control what was going on. That one 3 hour session was all he needed. His pain never returned.

It’s been 48 years since I had that “visit” with Toney. Eventually I learned the science behind Quimby’s Method, considered by most, a pseudoscience, behind the instant removal of pain, disease, and symptoms. It begins with learning and understanding the behavior of matter.

If this is a subject that interests you, take advantage of my free 20 minute consultation (offered below) and I’ll explain it to you. I’ve not yet written up that information.

Sixteen Failures Become
Sixteen Triumphs

One at a time I called each of my sixteen failures and explained the success I had had with Tony and that I thought that I had the right step-by-step sequence. I asked each if they’d be willing to let me try again. The “Yes!” was unanimous. Using the same step-by-step procedure I’d used on Tony, each one of the sixteen recovered.

My second healing using Quimby’s Method was on myself. I taught my adult daughter how to do Quimby’s Method and use it on me. After nine months of study and four session hours all my Fibromyalgia symptoms left.


The Energy - with Quimby’s Method

Lydia Foster was the fifth person to experience Quimby’s Method. She invited me to be her house guest and do Quimby’s Method. I’d still not learned that Quimby’s Method could be done over the phone.

Once Lydia was in practice as a Chiropractor. Five long years ago, she’d been diagnosed as having both Epstein-Barr Virus and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She lived as an invalid. On a ‘good day’ she managed one hour out of bed. Immediately after her first Quimby’s Method session she was able to be up for an additional five hours.

I asked Lydia for the following letter.

“Dear Sarah

I feel fantastic! My life has never been this good. My health has completely returned. On my 56th birthday two weeks ago, I took a sixteen-mile hike, up-hill! I did not get tired.

A few days before that hike, I had two days with a shovel, digging a drainage ditch. I thought for sure that I would be sore the next day. I wasn’t, not one muscle was sore.

I asked Sarah to continue doing sessions until all my opinions were gone.

What I did not share with her was that I also had another incurable disease. I was a manic depressive. In Psychiatry a manic depressive illness is considered an affective disorder marked by alternating episodes of mania and depression.

That took a little longer to heal; six months of phone sessions to be exact.

It’s now been over 2 years and I am still free of symptoms. I love the new me.”

Sarah’s Comment

On our first day Lydia spent the entire day on the couch. Three mornings later, she was cleaning and moving furniture. On the sixth day she told me everything had been cleaned but the guest room. She asked if I would mind if she cleared it out and moved the furniture around. In the evening, I found her lifting and wiping the shelving under plates she had stored in her pantry. She complained of the energy and wanted to know when or if it would slow down.

It took about eight phone sessions to remove the opinions she had on Chronic Fatigue and Epstein-Barr. It was ten sessions to her eliminate manic depression symptoms.

In the second year after her return to health, Lydia had a flare-up. Forty minutes on the phone re-established her health.

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There have been occasions when an individual’s decision to believe an opinion was uncovered and removed within a few hours. In the norm, before all symptoms can be deleted, their numerous opinions must be found and removed.

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Jane had severe, low back pain for well over five years. She was unable to work. She could not do many of the things she loved. Both pale and worried. she was definitely doubtful that we’d be able to get rid of the pain. Her session lasted only an hour. Rather quickly we found the opinion causing her pain. Without prompting, she knew that that decision she’d made wasn’t true. Without help from me, she knew the truth. Instantly her pain left... forever!

Within minutes and/or hours our clients notice a sigifacant ease of their symptoms. Some are completely recovered within a few days or weeks; others take a bit longer. No two people are the same.

Take advantage of the Free 20 minute Medical Intuitive Consultation I offer. I don’t need to see you in person. All of my work is done over the phone.

All of the free appointments are with me. I don’t work with lab tests or a disease’s name. My intuitive opens up when I learn what happened to you.

Before we speak, I will have spent time focused on you and your situation. Whether you have a physical problem, a problem at work or a problem in a relationship, an emotional issue, etc., we’ll pinpoint what needs to be done to recover.

Click on the Free Consultation link below and fill out the form. The more information you give me, the more I can give you. Once I’ve read your condition, I will send you an email with the number to call to schedule your free appointment. If within 24 hours you do not have a scheduling email from me, please check your spam folder. If it’s not in your spam fold, by all means, below and call me during the hours I am in the office.

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Schedule a Free Appointment

Sarah Meredith ~ Jessica Meredith

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**Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Neither Sarah Meredith nor Jessica Meredith is any kind of doctor. They are both Medical Intuitives. They claim no formal training in psychology or medicine. Neither diagnose or treat disease. Having discovered and developed their own brand of alternative health care and healing, neither holds a special license in any field. Both offer their services based solely on their skill, what they see and what they feel through their intuitive. They make no verbal or written warranty on the effectiveness of their program on your condition. Using their services does not replace or substitute for available medical or alternative health care services.

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