Sarah Meredith

Medical Intuitive Healer

Alternative Health Care

Jessica Meredith

Medical Intuitive Healer

Alternative Health Care


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Hours by Appointment

9:00AM TO 4:00PM EST



These testimonials are from two completely different healing methods:

Mind Wiping and Quimby’s Method.

Mind Wiping

Completely eliminate unwanted, destructive, negative emotions and feelings, permanently in five minutes or less. It makes one feel better and happier.

Quimby’s Method

In the mid-1800’s well over 38,000 were healed of their various diseases and aliments by Dr. Phineas P. Quimby (1802-1866). He used no medicine. He claimed to heal as Jesus did. Regardless of what part of your life you want fixed or improved, if it’s seems to be going “wrong”, this method, without counseling, eliminates the wrong in minutes, hours, weeks . . .not years. . . while at the same time creating a sound, happy, life Relationships, Career, Life, Family, Finances, Home, Health, Personality, Succeeding, Learning, etc.

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I still can’t figure out how you -or should I say I- turned off the pain I’d lived with for over eight years. As you know, that pain made it impossible for me to continue working in heavy construction. It turned me into an invalid. The good news is that I’m back working full-time in construction. Thank you doesn’t seem enough in exchange for what you did for me and my family. But here it is... Thank you!

~George Franklin, Construction Foreman

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Oh, My God! I can’t believe what just happened. This is incredible. I don’t hurt. My depression is GONE! And, it was so easy. And, to think last night I felt that I couldn’t go on, that I needed to kill myself to end it all. For the first time in years, I feel in control of my life. Thank you sooooo much.

~Lauren Frost, College Student & Mother

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I recently had the pleasure of doing a session with Sarah Meredith ... and WOW!!!!! Her processes are simple yet powerful. She definitely has the missing pieces of the puzzle. I feel like my life has finally come together. She worked with me on something that would have had serious consequences had it not been resolved. I felt immediate results.

~Loretta Martin, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

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Effective! It’s been thirty-five years since you taught me how to do Mind Wiping. It doesn’t seem possible that so many years have passed. I wanted you to know that I’m having a wonderful life without depression. Mind Wiping continues to work.

~Susan Marino, Librarian

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It took me years before I was ready to ask for help. I’m so grateful a friend told me about what you had done for her. Your sessions were so easy. I’m able to think clearly. I moved on. Everyone I know would benefit from sessions with you. I’m not going to be shy about telling people to call you.

~Angel Lester, Yoga Instructor

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I’ve been using what you taught me for over three years. It still takes the pain away every time. As a writer who can go on forever. What more is there to say? What you do works!

~Pedro Gonzales, Writer

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What I gained working with Sarah is probably the most life changing I’ll ever experience. It is incredible that something so simple can permanently remove the goo we all collect. You literally helped me turn my life around.

~Jane MacMillan, Life Coach

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It feels so good to feel good! Thank you Sarah for developing and sharing what you learned. What a difference this made. Thank you so much!

~Lou Paker, Practitioner

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To not be upset with my mother is a first for me. I know it’s not very big of me, but I really tried to be angry at her again and I couldn’t. You are a genius. What you did was awesome. You brought me lasting happiness.

~Sheila Carton, Homemaker

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Yesterday Blackie, our 15 year old dog, was run over. After hours of tears my teen-age daughter suggested that the entire family ‘Rub Up’ so we’d could remember the good times and stop crying. Sometimes, I’m amazed by her. Well, we did it. It worked. Afterwards we sat around talking and laughing about some of his antics. Thank you.

~Laura Pilotes, Stay at Home Mom

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We decided to start Family Night with “Rub Up”. The reason I’m writing is to tell you that I’ve noticed that we all get along much better since we started doing it to start Family Night. Thanks to you there are fewer arguments among the children. They seem happier. I know I am. “Rub Up” is a part of Mind Wiping.

~Peg Markston, Artist

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Sarah you taught me how to ‘Rub Up’ nineteen years ago. It consistently works. The only problem I have with it is remembering to do it on the new stuff. “Rub Up” is a part of Mind Wiping.

~Vince Rindon, Entrepreneur

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It feels good to feel good! Thank you for making such a huge a difference in my life. To feel goods to have every day be amazing.

~Mary Lockhurst, Massage Therapist

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I waited to write because it was hard for me to believe that your method would be any different from all the other things I’ve tried. Well, it’s been two months. It truly did erase the bad feelings I’d carried around for 50 years. God Bless You!

~Bee Harrision, Retired

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“I love you!
Yesterday my 3 year old was throwing his usual tantrum...on the floor kicking his heels, screaming at the top of his lungs because he couldn’t go to school with is brother.

Today, I sat on the floor and rubbed up and down his back as you suggested. It took less then 30 seconds. He stopped crying almost immediately, sniffled, then wormed his way off my lap as if nothing had happened, picked up a toy and took off after the dog.

A few minutes later I heard him gig-gling. What’s amazing about this? EVERY MORNING FOR THE PAST THREE MONTHS, it took me about 15 to 20 minutes just to calm him down. I love you!!!”

~Jennifer Folker Stay at Home Mom & Graphic Designer

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“If you decide to do session with Sarah and Jessica, it will probably the most life changing event you’ll experience this decade. It’s incredible that something so simple can permanently remove the goo we all collect. Their processes will literally turn your life around.”

~Jane Macy

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Two years after her Quimby’s Method sessions, I asked Lydia for a testimony.
“I feel fantastic! My life has never been this good. My health completely returned. Two weeks ago, on my 56th birth-day, I did a sixteen mile hike, up-hill and back! I didn’t get tired. A few days before the hike, I spent two days with a shovel, digging a drainage ditch. I thought for sure I’d be sore the next day. I wasn’t. Not one muscle was sore. It’s been over 2 years and I’m still symptom free. I love the new me.”

A few years after Lydia wrote that testimonial, she called. She had had a flare-up. Forty minutes on the phone re-established her health. It’s been over 30 years since we did that phone session. As far as I know she’s still going strong.

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“Oh My God! This is amazing. Wow, what you did to, on, with me just keeps on working.”

~Alan Grey, Personal Coach

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Naoko’s Miracle

Naoko lived in Tokyo with her mother (and her caretaker), when she sent an email hoping we could help her. She was looking for a miracle. Her life had become the four walls of her bedroom.

Bedridden she was still able to support herself translating English books into Japanese. Both of her legs were bent abnormally at the knee and she could not get out of bed. They’d turned out in opposite directions. She wrote that looking down at her legs was like looking at a frog’s.

I “saw” that she was being poisoned by canned foods. I advised her to stop eating anything that came from a can. I gave her a list to give her mother of the fresh foods to get and pre-pare.

I hadn’t heard from her for months when she e-mailed to say “Thank you”. She wrote that it took three months to get the poisons out and have her legs fully straighten out. Once she was able to walk, she applied and got a translation job.

What is impressive was that she was able to not only apply, get and keep a job out of the house, she was able to take the subway both ways during rush hour.

Update on Naoko:

A couple of years after her recovery she met a Canadian gentleman. Next I heard, she was moving to Canada as his wife.

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Jane was unable to work for five years due to severe, low back pain. She was pale, worried and doubtful that we’d get rid of her pain. Her session was a little under an hour. We quickly found what was causing her pain. Without prompting from me, she knew that it was an opinion and not true. Without any help from me, she knew the truth. Remember... The truth is the cure. In that moment her pain left... forever!

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Schedule a Free Appointment

Sarah Meredith ~ Jessica Meredith

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**Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Neither Sarah Meredith nor Jessica Meredith is any kind of doctor. They are both Medical Intuitives. They claim no formal training in psychology or medicine. Neither diagnose or treat disease. Having discovered and developed their own brand of alternative health care and healing, neither holds a special license in any field. Both offer their services based solely on their skill, what they see and what they feel through their intuitive. They make no verbal or written warranty on the effectiveness of their program on your condition. Using their services does not replace or substitute for available medical or alternative health care services.

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